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People - Andreas Pomportsis


Andreas Pomportsis

Title Professor
Telephone/Fax (31)998045/998419
Email apombo@csd.auth.gr



1978: B.Sc. Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

1981: M.Sc. Electronics and Communications, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

1985: Dipl.-Ing in Electrical Engineering,Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

1987: Ph.D. Computer Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Professional Qualifications

1979-1987: Research assistant in the Digital Systems & Computers Lab.,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

1985-1987: Professor of CS and Telecommunication at the Technological Institute of Thessaloniki.

1987-1989: Lecturer of CS at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

1989-1993: Ass. Professor of CS at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

1993-today: Professor of CS at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Research Interests

Computer Networks (PDN, High-Speed networks and services). Novel Computer Architectures (Parallel Computer Architecture, Supercomputers, Neural nets). Distributed Systems, Multimedia Systems

Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Learning Automata: Theory, Paradigms, and Applications", to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics ? Part B. Link


Recent Publications


A.I.Vakali, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "A Feedback-Based Model for I/O Servicing", Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier (to appear).

M.S.Obaidat, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "An Efficient Adaptive Bus Arbitration Scheme for Scalable Shared-Medium ATM Switch", Computer Communications (to appear).

H.S. Laskaridis, A.A. Veglis, G.I. Papadimitriou and A.S. Pombortsis, ?Grid-based Switch Fabrics: A New Approach in Designing Fault-Tolerant ATM switches?, Computer Communications, Elsevier (accepted).

P.Nicopolitidis, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Design Alternatives for Wireless Local Area Networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2001. Pages: 1-42.

G.I.Papadimitriou, M.S.Obaidat, A.S.Pomportsis, "Adaptive Protocols for Single-Hop Photonic Networks with Bursty Traffic", IEEE ICPP 2001, Valencia, Spain, September 3-7, 2001.

P.Nicopolitidis, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, ?Self-Adaptive Polling Protocols for Wireless LANs: A Learning-Automata-Based Approach?, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2001), Malta, September 2-5, 2001.

P.Nicopolitidis, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, ?On the Implementation of a Learning Automaton-based Adaptive Wireless Push System?, Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, (SPECTS) 2001, Orlando, U.S.A, July 15-19, 2001.

G.I.Papadimitriou, A.S.Pomportsis, S.Kiritsi and E.Talahoupi, ?Absorbing Stochastic Learning Algorithms with High Accuracy and Rapid Convergence?, IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Beirut, Lebanon, June 26-29, 2001.

G.I.Papadimitriou, A.S.Pomportsis and M.S.Obaidat, ?Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Schemes for WDM Star Networks with Asymmetric Traffic?, IEEE IPCCC?01 (20th IEEE Inernational Performance, Computing and Communications Conference), April 4-6, 2001, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.


G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in WDM Passive Star Networks with Asymmetric Traffic", Photonic Network Communications, Kluwer Vol.2, no.4, November 2000.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "On the Use of Stochastic Estimator Learning Automata in Time Division Multiple Access Systems: A Methodology", Neurocomputing, Elsevier, vol.35, no. 1-4, November 2000.

A.N.Miliou, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Designing an All-Optical Packet Filtering Module for WDM Broadcast-and-Select Star Networks", Optics and Laser Technonogy, Elsevier, Vol.32, no.5, July 2000.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "On the Use of Learning Automata in Medium Access Control of Single-Hop Lightwave Networks", Computer Communications, April 2000.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Learning-Automata-Based TDMA Protocols for Broadcast Communication Systems with Bursty Traffic", IEEE Communications Letters, vol.4, no.3, March 2000.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Learning-Automata-Based Scheduling Algorithms for Input-Queued ATM Switches", Neurocomputing, Elsevier, vol.31, no.1-4, March 2000.

G.I.Papadimitriou, A.I.Vakali and A.S.Pomportsis, "Designing a Learning-Automata-Based Controller for Client/Server Systems", IEEE ICTAI 2000, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 13-15, 2000.

M.S.Obaidat, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Fast Learning Automata for High-Speed Real-Time Applications",IEEE ICECS 2000, The 7th IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, December 17-20, 2000, Kaslik, Lebanon.

A.Veglis, A.S.Pomportsis and E.Papaefstathiou, "Performance Evaluation of a Bus-based Multistage Multiprocessor Architecture", Journal of Systems Architecture, vol.46 (2000) pp.39-47.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "On the Use of Stochastic Estimator Learning Automata for Dynamic Channel Allocation in Broadcast Netorks", Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2000 (IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation - Conference on Evolutionary Programming - Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Innovations and Applications) Computation, 16-19 July 2000, San Diego, U.S.A.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Learning-Automata-Based MAC Protocols for Photonic LANs", IEEE International Conference on Networks (IEEE ICON 2000), September 5-8, 2000, Singapore.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Adaptive Control of Fiber Optic LANs: A Learning-Automata-Based Approach", IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communication and Control (IEEE AS-SPCC 2000), October 1-4, 2000, Alberta, Canada.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Self-Adaptive Scheduling Algorithms for Input-Queued ATM Switches: A Learning-Automata-Based Approach", Fifth International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics (CSI 2000), February 27 - March 3, 2000, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.

A.I.Vakali, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "A New Approach to the Design of High Performance Multiple Disk Subsystems: Dynamic Load Balancing Schemes", 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking Europe (HPCN Europe 2000), May 8-10, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.

A. Vakali and A.S.Pombortsis, "A caching approach for XML based medical data", 26th International Conference for Medical Informatics - MIE 2000, Conference Proceedings IOS Press, Aug 27-Sep 1, 2000.

A.N.Miliou, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "An All-Optical Packet Filtering Module for WDM Star Networks", OECC 2000, 10-14 July, 2000, Chiba, Japan.

A.N.Miliou, G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Wavelength collision avoidance in WDM star networks: an optical-logic-circuits-based approach", 2000 SCS Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2000), July 16-20, 2000, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

S.Demetriadis and A.S.Pomportsis, "Novice Student Learning Using Case Based Hypermedia Environment Results From Two Research Projects", International Conference "Innovatons in Higher Education", University of Helsinki, Finland, August 29 - September 2, 2000.


A.S.Pomportsis and I.Vlahavas, "Controlling Performance Degradation of Multistage Interconnection Networks with Non-Uniform Traffic", International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, vol.19, no.3, pp.244-249, 1999.

Demetriadis, S., Karoulis, A., Pombortsis. "Graphical" Jogthrough: Expert Based Methodology for User Interface Evaluation, Applied in the Case of an Educational Simulation Interface, Computers & Education Journal, 32(4), 285-299, 1999.

Demetriadis, S., Pombortsis, A. "Novice Student Learning in Case Based Hypermedia Environment: a Quantitative Study", Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 8(2), 241-269, 1999.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Wavelength-Conversion-Based Protocols for Single-Hop Photonic Networks with Bursty Traffic", Photonic Network Communications, vol.1, no.4, December 1999.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Self-Adaptive TDMA Protocols for WDM Star Networks: A Learning-Automata-Based Approach", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.11, no.10, pp.1322-1324, October 1999.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "A Class of Centralized High Performance Protocols for Single-Hop Lightwave Networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, September/October1999.

G.I.Papadimitriou, A.N.Miliou and A.S.Pomportsis, "OCON: An Optically Controlled Optical Network", Computer Communications, vol.22, no.9, pp.811-824, June 1999.

H.Laskaridis, A.Veglis, G.É.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Fault Tolerance on Grid-based ATM Switches", CSCC'99, Athens, Greece, 1999.

H.Laskaridis, A.Veglis, G.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Grid-based ATM switch architecture: a new fault-tolerant space-division switch fabric architecture", MED'99, Israel 1999.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Self-Adaptive TDMA Protocols: A Learning-Automata-Based Approach", IEEE International Conference on Networks (IEEE ICON'99), September 28 - October 1, 1999, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

G.I.Papadimitriou and A.S.Pomportsis, "Centralized Wavelength Conversion Protocols for WDM Broadcast-and-Select Star Networks", IEEE International Conference on Networks (IEEE ICON'99), September 28 - October 1, 1999, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

I.Stamelos, I.Vlahavas and A.S.Pomportsis, "Automating the Educational Software Evaluation", 5th International Conference of the Decision Science Institute "Integrating Technology and Human Decisions: Global Bridges into the 21th Century", Athens, Greece, July 4-7, 1999.

É.Stamelos, I. Refanidis, P. Katsaros, A. Tsoukias, I. Vlahavas and A. Pombortsis, "Automating the Evaluation of Educational Software", 5th International Conf. Of the Decision Sciences Institute, DSI '99, Athens 1999, pp. 1369, 1373.

Á. Veglis and A. Pombortsis, "The Fat Clos ATM switch", Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, ICECS 1999.


Pombortsis A., "Communication Technologies in Health Care Environments", Medical Informatics 52, pp.61-70, 1998.

Pombortsis A., "Some thoughts about the Communication technologies and applications in a medical environment", Convincing cases for healthcare telematics, IOS Press, 1998.

Pombortsis A., S. Demetriadis and A. Karoulis : "A Framework for the Design, Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Based Learning Environments", Classification in the Information Age, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge Organization (W. Gaul, H. Locarek_Junge eds), pp.68-75, Springer Verlag.

Demetriadis, S., Karoulis, A., Pombortsis, A. (1998). "Evaluation of Educational Simulation Interface using the Graphical Jogthrough Method: the Network Simulator Experience", Proceedings of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98, World Conference on Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, Freiburg, Germany; June 20-26, pp. 338 - 343, 1998.

G. I. Papadimitriou, A. N. Miliou, A.S. Pomportsis, "Optical Logic Circuits : A New Approach to the Control of Fiber Optic LANs", IEEE LCN'98.

Á. Pombortsis, "A Framework for the Design, Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Based Learning Environments, in Proc. of Classification in the Information Age, March 1998, Dresden, Germany.

Pombortsis, A., Demetriadis, S., Karoulis, A., (1998b). "A Framework for the Design, Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Based Learning Environments", In W. Gaul, H. Locarek-Junge (Eds.) Classification in the Infromation Age, , pp. 68-75, Dresden, Germany, ÌÜñôéïò 1998.

Á. Veglis and A. Pombortsis, "Cell Availability of multiple path ATM switch" 9th Mediterranean Electrotechical Conference (Melecon 98), pp.1313-1317, 1998.

Á. Veglis, K. Barbargires and A. Pombortsis, "An interactive laboratory exercise for teaching computer science students network performance using MathCad and MathConnex", Proceedings of the 1999 Frontiers in Education Conference, 1999. vailability of multiple path ATM switch" 9th Mediterranean Electrotechical Conference (Melecon 98), pp.1313-1317, 1998.


Veglis A., A. Pombortsis and E. Papaefstathiou, "Performance Evaluation of a Bus-based Multistage Multiprocessor Architecture", Journal of System Architecture.

Anogianakis, S. Maglavera, A. Pombortsis, S. Bountzioukas, F. Beltrame and G. Orsi, "Medical Emergency Aid through Telematics: design, implementation quidelines and analysis of user requirements for the MERMAID project" in Proc. of Medical Informatics Europe '97, pp.74-78, IOS Press, (1997).

Anogianakis, S. Maglavera and A. Pombortsis, "Transeuropean network for the provision of added-value services in telemedicine (VSAT-NET), 6th Panhellenic Conference of Information technology.

S. Demetriadis, A. Pombortsis, G. Bleris and O. Valassiades, "Design Issues for Hypermedia Educational Environments: the case of 'ISTOS' én Proc. of ED-MEDIA 97 & ED-TELECOM 97, pp.1441-1445, Canada (1997).

S. Demetriadis, A. Karoulis and A. Pombortsis, "Evaluation of Educational Simulation Interface Using the graphical Jogthrough Method: The network simulator experience",acceptable for presentation at ED-MEDIA 97 & ED-TELECOM 98 Conference, Freiburg, Germany.

S. Demetriadis, A. Pombortsis. "Problems related to secondary teachers' further education on multimedia technology and the need for a wide Educational Policy ". Proposal in Paneuropean Conference COMETT, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Demetriadis, S., Pombortsis, A., Bleris, G., Vallasiades, O. (1997). "Design Issues for Hypermedia Educational Environments: The Case of "ISTOS" ", Proceedings of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 97, World Conference on Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; June 14-19, pp. 1441-1445, 1997.

I. Vlahavas, A. Pombortsis and I. Sakellariou, "IDIS-KS: an Intelligent Drug Information System as a Knowledge Server", 14th Intern Congress on Medical Informatics, MIE-97, 1997.


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